
Content manager for Game Assets

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What is AssetManager?

Have you ever noticed that you cannot find the right asset for a game level that you’re working on? AssetManager is a content manager software for game developers with import/export/preview capability. It can vsiualize a huge set of asset types.

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  • BHV format - Motion Capture / Animation preview
  • OBJ format - Preview of 3D Model and Textures assigned to them
  • JPG, BMP, PNG format - Preview of Textures of any kind
  • Manages collection of Substances
  • Manages collection of Photoshop PSDs
  • Wav format - Sound preview
  • TrueType format - Font preview
  • Preview of script files written in C#, C++, Pascal, JavaScript
  • Manages collection of UnityPackages

Why asset manager is Windows Desktop only?

Nowadays hobbists develop games on their Windows based computers, on desktop. Therefore it is pointless browsing your assets on portable, mobile devices.

Why BVH motion format is supported only?

It is the most widely known format across motion capture formats. It is the most easiest, human-readable format and can be converted to almost any other motion capture formats.

Why only OBJ files are supported as 3D objects?

OBJ is the most traditional and generally used 3D format. Almost every 3D software can load/import/export it. Just as BVH, so OBJ is the most easiest, human-readable format that can be converted to a wide range of other 3D formats.

Why JPG, PNG, BMP texture formats allowed only?

Hobby/Indie game developers don’t really care about well-proven game texture standards. So traditional image formats are generally accepted in startup/garage teams. You knwo what? The game engine will do the rest…

Why there is no preview on Substances, PSDs?

I ain’t got enough resources to accomplish that kind of huge interpretation of these formats. But you can import preview images beside those assets.

Why only Wav sound format is accepted?

Easy to work with them, and no codec is needed for playback. Maybe that’s all.

Why only TrueType Format is accepted as Font?

Hmmm… I must admit I got plenty of them…

Only four script formats? Are you serious?

Yes. Who need more? These are the most standard programming languages in hobby/professional game development.

UnityPackages? You are crazy!

Ok, it is not a general game asset type, but I got bunch of them…

Many thanks for the creators of the following libraries, frameworks, APIs:

  • HelixToolkit
  • Bewegungsfelder
  • ModernUI
  • MVVM Light
  • .NET Developers
Remarks, license

AssetManager is free to use, modify and redistribute for hobby and commercial use either as far as the code segments you may want to use from the appropriate libraries allows that within the source code of this software!